Scientific organisation

The scientific organization is structured in seven working groups (WG) each being defined through a set of tasks. Working-group conveners coordinate the R&D tasks of the respective working groups. 

Working Group Conveners

WG1  Paul Colas (CEA Saclay), Filippo Resnati (CERN)
WG2  Florian Brunbauer (CERN), Francisco Garcia (Helsinki Institute of Physics)
WG3  Fabrizio Murtas  (CERN), Joao Veloso (University of Aveiro)
WG4  Rob Veenhof (CERN), Ozkan Sahin (Uludag University, Piet Verwilligen (Universita e INFN, Bari)
WG5  Hans Müller (CERN), Jochen Kaminski (Bonn University)
WG6  Rui De Oliveira(CERN), Fabien Jeanneau (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR)
WG7  Eraldo Oliveri (CERN), Yorgos Tsipolitis (NTU Athens)

Working Group Description

WG1 - New Structures and Technologies
The objectives of this WG are both the optimization of fabrication methods for MPGDs and the development of new multiplier geometries and techniques. These objectives are pursued via selected tasks: (1) Development of techniques to manufacture large area modules with reduced material budget and minimum dead regions; new materials, including low-radioactivity ones for rare-event detectors; (2) Design optimization including fabrication procedures and the development of new MPGD geometries for bulk Micromegas, micro bulk Micromegas and single-mask GEMs, Thick GEMs (THGEM), Resistive Electrode Thick GEMs (RETGEM), Micro-Patterned Resistive Plate Chambers (MPRPC), Micro Hole And Strip Plates (MHSP), charge-dispersive readout and integration of gas-amplification structures on top of a CMOS readout chip by wafer postprocessing (InGrid); (3) Development of radiation-hard detectors; and (4) Design of portable sealed detectors.

WG2 - Detector Physics and Performance
In this WG, a common effort towards the development of common standards for the characterization and comparison of different technologies will be made. The collective knowledge on the physics of discharges in MPGD detectors will be bundled and solutions towards more efficient prevention of and protection against discharge will be made. Systematic studies on ageing and radiation hardness of MPGDs will be performed and a common database on radiation hardness and ageing properties of materials will be created in order to arrive at radiation-hard detectors capable of operating beyond the limits of present devices. The tasks in the WG are: (1) Development of common test standards (comparison of different technologies in different laboratories); (2) Discharge studies and spark-protection developments for MPGDs; (3) Generic aging and material radiation-hardness studies (creation of database of "radiation-hard" materials & detectors depending on application, commercially available materials, cleanliness requirements, validation tests for final detector modules, gas system construction, working remedies); (4) Charging up (gain stability issues) and rate capability; (5) Study of avalanche statistics: exponential versus Polya (saturated-avalanche mode). 

WG3 - Training and Dissemination  
This working group facilitates the dissemination of MPGD technologies for applications ranging from high-energy physics to applications beyond fundamental research. It organises training session, schools and workshops, as well as academy-industry matching events, which can be found under Meetings - Workshops, Schools & Training Sessions.

WG4 - Modelling of Physics Processes and Software Tools
In this WG, a common, open-access, maintainable software suite for the simulation of MPGD detectors will be developed. The existing tools for the simulation of primary ionization, transport and gas amplification will be extended, in particular to improve the modeling at very small scales. An effort will be made in order to integrate the tools into the Geant 4 package to make them easier to maintain and directly applicable within arbitrary geometry and field configurations. Also the modeling of the electronics response to the detector signals has to be improved. This will also make the simulation applicable to systems with very high granularity such as CMOS pixel readout. The tasks are: (1) Development of algorithms (in particular in the domain of very small scale structures); (2) Simulation improvements; (3) Development of common platform for detector simulations (integration of gas-based detector simulation tools to Geant 4, interface to ROOT); and (4) Development of simplified electronics modeling tools.

WG5 - Electronics for MPGDs 
The availability of highly integrated electronics systems for the charge readout of high granularity MPGD systems poses a non-trivial problem to many of the modern MPGD applications. The specifications of such systems for the different fields of application will be collected. For the classical configuration of charge collecting pads or strips an easy-to-use portable readout solution will be developed. Ultimate granularity is achieved by using the inputs of a CMOS pixel readout chip directly as a charge collecting anode. The specifications of such a readout chip will be worked out and a common effort will be made towards a next-generation pixel chip for MPGD readout. The tasks are: (1) Definition of front end electronics requirements for MPGDs; (2) Development of general purpose pixel chip for active anode readout; (3) Development of large area detectors with pixel readout; (4) Development of portable multichannel data acquisition systems for detector studies; and (5) Discharge protection strategies.

WG6 - Production and Industrialisation 
In this working group cost-effective, industrial technology solutions will be developed and transferred to industry. A common “production facility” based on the MPGD workshop at CERN will be developed and maintained and procedures for industrialization will be set up. The tasks are: (1) Development and maintenance of a common production facility; (2) MPGD production industrialization (quality control, cost-effective production, and large-volume production), (3) Collaboration with Industrial Partners. 

WG7 - Common Test Facilities  
The development of robust and efficient MPGDs entails the understanding of their fundamental properties and performance at several stages of their development. This implies a significant investment for detector test beam activities to perform the R&D needed, to test prototypes and to qualify final detector system designs, including integrated system tests. The measurements in test-beam facilities cover efficiencies, noise, time, position and energy resolutions - basically all the critical performance parameters for new detector systems. Additionally, characterization of specific detector behaviors operated in large particle background demands some targeted aging tests in irradiation facilities.
A common effort in this direction is needed because the number of groups involved in MPGD development has grown very significantly and will still do so during the coming years. As members of the RD-51 collaboration, research groups will get easier access to the facilities inside RD-51 collaborating institutes and at CERN, and, most important, share resources, make common requests and group experiments. The two tasks are (1) Development and maintenance of common "Test-Beam Facility"; and (2) Development and maintenance of common “Irradiation Facility".